理学院迎百年校庆系列报告(二):Statistical Methods Applications in Environmental Science and Public Health Projects
发布单位:理学院        浏览次数:593        发布时间:2019年06月20日

报告题目:Statistical Methods Applications in Environmental Science and Public Health Projects

报告时间:2019625 1000 - 1050

报告地点: H203

报告摘要:  The information world we live in nowadays requires scientists and all citizens to be able to use certain statistical techniques to understand what is happening around us. Applied statistical methods are critical to various disciplines. For example, PM2.5 has been a main environmental concern due to its adverse effects on human health and society. Using data collected from the monitoring station of the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, we assessed air quality improvement trends over the past decade. With more data collected from four nearby monitoring stations of the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection, the confirmation of the reliability of PM2.5 data provides more required confidence on the air quality measurements in China. In addition, a clinical study on childhood obesity will also be discussed. At the end, career opportunities for students with statistics, biostatistics and data sciences degrees will be introduced.

主讲人简介:王晓慧, 美国德克萨斯大学大河谷分校 (University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley) 数学和统计学院终身教授, 博导,应用统计和生物统计中心主任。主要研究方向有贝叶斯分析法, 大数据分析与处理, 统计计算,生物和药品统计,信息生物统计法, 统计模型和生物数学等。在统计和医学学术刊物上共发表学术论文30余篇(不含国际会议论文),近年参与编写英文著作一本。目前主持美国卫生部(105万美元)和美国得克萨斯交通部(36万美元)基金项目。2006-2019主持参加过美国国防部、美国国家自然科学、美国国立卫生研究院和Robert Wood Johnson基金(其中2项是multi-million基金), 以及多项医学、公共卫生、工程和教育领域的应用统计基金项目。2012-2014曾数次应邀担任美国自然科学基金的审查委员。自2005年起应邀在二十多个国际和美国国内统计学大会上作过邀请报告。
