【理学•学术报告】Truncated Euler-Maruyama Method for Stochastic L-V Competition Models
发布单位:理学院        浏览次数:11        发布时间:2024年05月13日

报告摘要: In this talk, we aimed at the well-known stochastic LotkaVolterra model with the interaction of multi-species in ecology of having some typical features: highly nonlinear, positive solution and multi-dimensional. The known numerical methods including the tamed/truncated EulerMaruyama (EM) applied to it do not preserve the positivity of the stochastic L-V compitition models. The aim of this talk is to modify the truncated EM to establish a new positive preserving truncated EM (PPTEM). To simplify the proof as well as to make our theory more understandable, we first develop a nonnegative preserving truncated EM (NPTEM) and then establish the PPTEM. Of course, we should point out that the NPTEM has its own right as many SDE models in applications have their nonnegative solutions.







